
Is Tattling Good or Bad? It’s Actually Both

Boy telling another boy a secretBoy telling another boy a secret

Boy telling another boy a secret

“He took my toy and won’t give it back!”

“It was my turn to win. He’s a cheater. It’s not fair!”

“You’re going to be in BIG trouble when I tell on you!”

Ah yes. The snitch. The rat. The informant. It’s a common theme in mobster movies–and on the local playground.

It’s no secret that in our culture, tattling is seen as negative. It’s nitpicky complaining–a nuisance–and none of us have time to deal with it. Am I right? 

But there are a lot of grey areas, and the difference between tattling and whistleblowing–raising a legitimate alarm–can be complicated.

As with all our kids’ behavior, when we take a look at the reasons behind tattling, we can discover how to solve the problem. So let’s dive in: why do kids tattle so much, and when do we need to either encourage or discourage it?

When Tattling is Unhelpful

While there are plenty of times we need to know what’s going on, most of the cases are nothing more than simple tattling–and therefore unnecessary. The tales our kids tell don’t serve a real purpose or are used for negative, harmful reasons. 

The general rule is that if it doesn’t help someone, tattling is not a good solution. That’s why it’s also important to train kids in problem-solving. The more comfortable they are with handling eyebrow-raising behavior in positive ways, the less they’ll feel a need to tattle. 

Here are the 4 main reasons children resort to negative tattling:

1. Tattling for Attention

One of the top reasons kids choose to tattle is simply to get our attention. 

Maybe you’ve been staring at your iPhone too long or working a lot from home. Children of any age can quickly start to feel left out and insignificant. 

To counter this, kids will find any reason at all to be noticed. To them, even negative attention is better than no attention. 

So if your 4-year-old is tired of watching her older brother’s TV shows, it’s an opportune time to get your attention by complaining about how he’s going over his screen time minutes for the week. If your 6th grader just wants some sympathy, he might go on and on about how his friend selfishly played Minecraft without him at their last sleepover.

The solution to reducing tattling, in this case, is giving our kids more proactive, positive attention

I know that in our incredibly busy lives, this isn’t so simple. But it can start small. Carving out a brief 10-15 minute block each day to do something fun with each of our kids can work wonders. As long as it’s undistracted, one-on-one time, we’ll find our kids less likely to seek our attention in negative ways (like nitpicky tattling).

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2. Tattling Out of Spite

Kids have their moments of anger and frustration. They can feel hurt by a friend, mad about a demanding sibling, or filled with general angst.

If your tween is angry with his older sister, he may divulge that she’s listening to inappropriate, explicit music. 

Your 5-year-old, mad at his annoying little brother, might decide to tell you that his little brother hit him yesterday–all in hopes that he gets in big trouble today

When tattling comes from anger or spite, we can use in-the-moment redirection. 

You can say “Are you telling me this to get your brother in trouble, or are you trying to help him?” 

Most kids will respond that they are trying to help. You can then say something like, “Okay, let’s focus on solutions to his problem. What ideas do you have to help him out?” 

If the spiteful tattling continues, you can tell your kids the tattling department is closed. Make sure they understand that from this point on, you expect they will limit their “I’m telling!” communications to helpful informing.

3. Tattling to Feel More Important or Mature

As much as kids like attention, they also like to feel grown-up. 

A second-grader might feel empowered after telling her teacher that another girl (reportedly) teased a boy about his hair. Knowing that teasing can be bad–even though she didn’t personally witness the event–it makes her feel important to report and condemn it. 

To counter this, we need to encourage maturity in other ways. 

One avenue is to give kids more age-appropriate choices. The same second-grader might savor being responsible for a day of meal planning, choosing the discussion topics at the next family meeting, or picking out her own school clothes.

Kids should be encouraged to do anything they are capable of doing on their own. This means that a five-year-old can start packing her own lunch and emptying the dishwasher without help (it just takes a little training at first) and a teenager can wash his own clothes, gas up his own car, and definitely do his own homework

Even if they rebel against it, asking kids to take on responsibility gives them confidence. They are empowered by their abilities–big or small–and encouraged by our trust. 

It’s also likely they’ll no longer need to point out someone else’s shortcomings or misbehaviors to feel better about themselves.

tatling quote

4. When the Tattler is Unwilling (or Needs to Learn How) to Problem Solve

When children are given the tools to problem solve, this erases the need for unhelpful tattling.

“…children who tattle have obtained enough social-emotional skills to refrain from hitting, but not enough to solve the problem on their own.” – Eileen Kennedy-Moore Ph.D., Psychology Today

One of the best tactics is to Take Time for Training (just one of our 36 7-Step Parenting Success System® tools) and role-play different scenarios. 

For example, you could start by saying to your child, “Let’s pretend that you and Sam are playing outside and Sam won’t let you play with his basketball. You come to me to tell me that Sam won’t share the ball. Is this tattling or informing?” 

This scenario is clearly an example of unhelpful tattling, as the goal is to get Sam in trouble. Once identifying the goal in each example, help your child brainstorm ways she could solve the problem on her own without tattling.

Then, the next time your kids are tattling about a sibling argument, reply with, “I have confidence you two can work it out.” Drive the point home by giving them a chance to do so.

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By creating a distinction between useless tattling and beneficial informing, our kids will know when to come to us and when they can solve problems on their own. Focusing on problem-solving also allows our children to master a lifelong skill.

But it can certainly be difficult for kids to distinguish between true problems and minor infractions. The choice is rarely obvious. (To learn WHY kids have trouble making the best choices when it comes to tattling–or any other frustrating behavior–check out my FREE ONLINE CLASS!)

For kids to know appropriate and inappropriate reasons to involve adults and report what they see, they need explanation and training. Here’s how to help:

Tell Them When To Tell

Begin by differentiating tattling from the more helpful advising, notifying, or telling, all of which are more positive. 

Even before our kids report negatively about someone, we can role-play scenarios with them–especially those that lie in those grey areas–to determine when to involve an adult.

Here are 3 situations when we should encourage our kids to speak up:

1. Someone’s In Danger

First, our kids need to understand that telling or informing is the right thing to do when someone is in a dangerous (or potentially dangerous) situation. 

Your teenage son could have witnessed a friend drive home drunk last weekend or been in a car with another friend who was texting while driving. Your daughter might have noticed her little brother run straight into the street without looking. Your kid’s friend might be sneaking out at night. Or, your tween might notice her older sister corresponding intimately with an online stranger.  

Whenever real danger is involved, a responsible adult needs to be, too.

2. Someone’s Being Bullied

Sometimes kids need to let things roll off their shoulders, like a classmate making fun of their clothes or a sibling purposefully hogging the remote.

It’s also unnecessary for kids to meddle in everything that’s wrong, like a random person calling another friend a bad name or a brief playground stand-off.

But other times, kids witness or experience things that go too far–and an adult needs to know. 

A few generations ago, kids were often told to “suck it up” around a classroom bully. They were even encouraged to physically fight back. Verbally reporting a bully wasn’t as honorable as standing one’s solitary ground.

Today, we know these aren’t the messages we want to send our kids. Instead, we want to assure them that violence is never the answer and they don’t have to face harassment alone.

Luckily, more schools are tackling bullying head-on and not dismissing it as just “another part of growing up.” Whether it’s bullying in-person or cyberbullying, numerous campaigns to end harassment between students are gaining support and momentum. 

Our society is also starting to acknowledge the importance of mental health. We’re concerned with the increasing suicide rate amongst young kids where bullying is the culprit.

Encouraging kids to report bullies is a huge part of the solution. Maybe our kids’ friends are being bullied or our kids themselves are feeling harassed. It’s important they understand there’s no need to put up with it or turn a blind eye. 

If you’re uncertain, three red flags to identify something as “bullying” are persistence (happens more than once or often), power imbalances, and/or physical and verbal intimidation.

A single stand-off, unless it meets the above criteria, is best handled by kids themselves. This is also helpful when we ourselves can’t determine the truth of what actually happened.

Even if it means getting a person in serious trouble, addressing bullying helps other potential victims and may eventually help the bully himself/herself. It’s all part of teaching our kids how to act kindly and appropriately toward one another.

3. Someone’s Engaging in Illegal Activity

Kids also need to be educated about the risks of illegal activity. Whether it’s your teen’s friend using a fake ID to buy liquor, her older sister dabbling in drugs, or your 6th grader’s friend shoplifting at Target, explaining that these behaviors can have long-term consequences helps kids understand when and why to reveal compromising information. 

Again, children might feel like tattling on friends is a complete betrayal. Their friends will also likely see it this way. And friendships, especially for teens and tweens, are sacred. 

We can sympathize with our kids if they are caught in this difficult situation. But, it’s essential to remind them that reporting illegal activity is actually what’s best for their friends in the long run. It may have serious implications, but this information will get them out of even more long-term trouble; like continually unsafe situations, a possible juvenile record, or even drug addiction. 

When It’s Hard to Tell–Literally

Keep in mind that sharing information–without that person’s approval–can put kids in an awkward situation. 

Kids may avoid reporting something bad out of fear of losing a friend or being ostracized. It’s important we help them understand when–and why–putting relationships at risk can be more important than shared secrecy. 

Along the way, we can reassure them that we’ll respond with respect and guidance appropriate for the situation and help their friend get assistance. Be open and honest about things like confidentiality, especially with older kids.

Beyond asking kids to report scenarios, we can make it easier by sustaining positive, open communication with them. When we’re focused on healthy, non-judgmental dialogue, they’re more likely to confide in us when it’s important to do so. 

Once our kids do come to us with the information they believe is dangerous, we need to applaud them for their actions and their bravery. It’s not an easy thing to do. In extreme circumstances, they may even be compromising their own safety–like exposing sexual abuse or domestic violence. In this case, we need to protect them as quickly as possible by notifying authorities.

The Grey Area

The difference between helpful and unhelpful tattling can still be vague, even with discussion, training, and practice. There could be a girl in your first-grader’s class that complains to you at school pick-up about your son chasing her too much. It seems like something she and your son could problem-solve on their own (you don’t believe he was trying to bully her) but it could also be something that really disturbed her. 

And what if we aren’t sure what the truth is? Two kids might have opposing arguments about what actually occurred and it becomes “he said, she said.”

Like any misbehavior, we can decide on a case-by-case basis how serious the conflict is and how it needs to be addressed. We may also need to circle back and either train on conflict resolution or, alternatively, let a child know it was the right choice to involve us. This kind of feedback will help kids make a good decision next time.

Final Thoughts

Dealing with tattling can be tricky. After all, we appreciate being “in the know” about little Peyton’s tendency to stray into the neighbor’s yard or Aaron’s lying habit. But that doesn’t mean we want to hear about every little complaint our eight-year-old can come up with in regard to her little brother. 

We also live in a world where danger, illegality, and bullying too often make the news. We want to teach kids–as young as possible–not to fear, ignore, or propagate poor behavior, but to instead make responsible decisions about when to reach out for adult guidance.

We can help our children determine where to draw the line between what’s helpful and unhelpful. After all, tattling can be a silly frustration–or it can go so far as to save a person’s life. 

The distinction is crucial.

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Encouragement vs. Praise: Why the Differentiation Matters

boy riding his bike with parents cheeringboy riding his bike with parents cheering

boy riding his bike with parents cheering

You just tied your 3-year-old’s pigtails, then watched her bounce off toward the sandbox with big plans for a princess castle. In your eyes, she’s simply the best thing since sliced bread. 

“You’re just SO cute,” you tell her when she finds you for a snack. 

Your 9-year-old is a great athlete. His team just won the Little League trophy; thanks, in part, to his home runs. On a celebratory trip to his favorite restaurant, you beam with pride. 

“You’re so good at sports,” you say. “Your team won, thanks to you!”

There’s also your difficult teenager, who’s more like the best thing since moldy bread these days. Regardless, she comes home one day with her best report card yet. You can’t help but jump for joy. 

“I’m SO proud of you. See how brilliant you are?!”

It seems harmless. It even seems good. But when the kind neighbor tells your pigtailed toddler how cute she is and your daughter responds, “I know”–she’s suddenly not quite as adorable. 

When your 9-year-old decides he doesn’t need to practice baseball because he’s already SO good, his skills actually start declining. 

And when your teenager feels overly confident about her intelligence, she’s actually less likely to put in the hard work when classes get tougher.

As you may have already seen in your home, compliments and praise can negatively affect our kids. 

Wait, you think. Isn’t sweetness and unabashed cheerleading what Positive Parenting is all about? 

Actually, not at all.

Positive Parenting focuses on empowering our kids, and the best tool for the job isn’t praise; it’s Encouragement. Encouragement is so important that it’s one of the first tools–out of 36–that I teach parents in my online course.

I’ve even compiled a short-list of Encouraging Words and phrases that can be emailed to you for free within minutes so you can start shifting your language!

With Encouragement, you focus your words on the positive action, behavior, or improvement you’d like to promote, rather than on the result. 

For example, the praise, “Good job!” could become a more encouraging, “Wow, your hard work really paid off!” 

And instead of praising your child with, “You’re so amazing at basketball!” you can tie the big win to the dedicated practice that developed those skills: “It’s clear you’ve been practicing–your passing has really improved!”

Encouragement is a more empowering way of providing positive feedback to kids. Essentially, it helps them replicate the skills they need to achieve a similar result in the future.

ProTip: For Positive Parenting Solutions Members, please study/review Step 2: From Complaining to Contributing: Empower Your Kids to be Confident, Capable, and Independent

I realize the line between praise and encouragement may still seem vague, or even unimportant. But that’s why it’s all the more crucial to define.

The differentiation makes a world of difference.

What Is Praise, and Why Is It A Problem? 

Praise is a Reward

These days, kids are rewarded for many things: M&Ms in exchange for using the potty, dessert for eating veggies, and even money for making good grades

While praise isn’t a material possession like cash, a new toy, or even ice cream, it offers the same quick hit of satisfaction. Although it feels really good to receive, the effects of praise don’t necessarily last long and are even weakened over time.

The views your self-conscious tween received on his Instagram video, for instance, left him on a high for a solid week. But now his feelings of insecurity have returned. His new goal is even more views, and that cycle will continue.

Some parents praise incessantly, making the reward of the praise less meaningful. Others praise rarely, forcing children to yearn for recognition. 

In either case, offering steady Encouragement for children’s efforts is preferable. It forces kids to see the depth of their actions and to appreciate internal effort more than external outcomes.

Praise is Superficial, Regardless of Its Intent

Your 7-year-old daughter loves it when you compliment her drawings. She spends all afternoon coloring and constantly asking your opinion. 

“What do you think about this one?” 

“Do you like my unicorn, Mommy?” 

But when you become too busy on a conference call to compliment her unparalleled artistry, she loses all interest. She is performing for praise rather than simply drawing because she enjoys it.

Praising our children’s talents may feel natural or even required, but it usually doesn’t focus on their determination or their love of an activity. 

Think about it. We don’t want our children to do things just to impress us or to be noticed. Quite the contrary; we want them to do things because they are passionate about them. 

It’s normal for kids to want recognition and approval, and they need to know they are supported and loved. But a 12-year-old learning karate just to please his parents and hear their praise–and not because it brings him joy–may not pursue martial arts in the long run. It may even become something he dislikes. 

If we want to help our kids focus on what is meaningful to them, praise is an unhelpful distraction.

quote on happiness

Once again, praise rewards results. It doesn’t celebrate the activity itself. This is true even if the intention of praise is to make kids feel good and happy. It’s also true when the compliment is sincere. I mean, it could be a very beautiful unicorn. But that isn’t the point.  

When your daughter shows you her make-believe drawing, try helping her find her own satisfaction in her work. An encouraging phrase might sound like:

“It’s fantastic that you enjoy drawing so much. What do you like to imagine while you color your unicorn?” 

Or, “You put a lot of effort into this picture! What’s your favorite part?”

encouraging words download

Praise Focuses on the Doer–Not the Deed

Your ten-year-old just decided to take out the trash. Is he feeling guilty, or does he want something? you wonder in suspicion. 

When you ask him about it and he replies, “I just thought I’d take out the trash because it was really full,” your jaw hits the floor. 

You are the best ever!!,” you say. And you really mean it. 

Recognizing kids for good deeds is the right thing to do. But the way in which we do so is equally–if not more–important. 

Your son shouldn’t be placed on a pedestal just for taking out the trash. Sure, it’s great–but it’s not amazing. However, he should be encouraged for his actions and the impact that small effort made.

“Thanks for taking a few moments to take out the trash. It helped to have an empty bin while I was cleaning out the fridge!”

Encouraging good behavior through kind, reinforcing words creates the desire to repeat those actions and recreate the feelings coinciding with them. 

Maybe you do believe your son is the kindest kid ever–and he probably is pretty great. But if you tell him so, he might think his kindness comes naturally. And if that’s the case, where is the desire to work harder on his generosity?

Praise Decreases Internal Motivation and Confidence

We want to impart our love to our children and to ingrain confidence. After all, it’s important to raise kids with conviction in their beliefs, their behavior, and their abilities. 

Many of us attempt this by complimenting our children in one way or another. We don’t want it to go to their heads, of course, but we also feel they’ll encounter enough self-doubt and obstacles in life to balance our praise. 

It may feel right to tell your daughter how smart she is. After all, you know she’ll one day compare herself to her very accomplished peers. It may feel natural to tell your son he’s beyond athletic, despite his occasional awkwardness on the field. 

To a certain extent, this is fine. But repeatedly complimenting our children, whether it’s on their special abilities, physical looks, or general traits, doesn’t actually benefit them. 

Research by developmental and social psychologist Dr. Carol Dweck backs this up. Her studies show that praise statements affect children’s motivations by instilling fixed–rather than growth–mindsets. 

Students with fixed mindsets aren’t as willing to work as hard as those with growth mindsets. 

Praise also leans towards the idea of perfection. Whether or not it’s exaggerated (“You’re just the best daughter EVER!” or “You’re the smartest boy I’ve ever met!”), praise is hard to live up to. The fear of failure becomes an imposing factor.

When we want our kids to feel confident in their abilities, we can encourage them by promoting positive behaviors that help them further their skills. “Sticking to a music practice schedule has really made a difference. You seemed so sure of yourself at your concert!”  

We can provide encouragement in all aspects of their personal development: their pursuit of knowledge, their hobbies, and their generosity towards family, friends, and community

If we focus on encouraging even the smallest steps in a positive direction–like volunteering at an animal shelter, baking cookies for a sick friend, or working a little harder on an essay–they’ll feel good about their choices and be more likely to repeat the process. 

Kids that lack praise won’t think they’re perfect, nor will they lack confidence. With proper encouragement, they’ll understand that actions and efforts are the true sources of success and fulfillment.  

The Best Ways to Use Encouragement 

Encouraging children in place of praise might take some practice. After all, we all use a little praise now and again. Still, the following guidelines can help keep encouraging statements on track:

Remember to Commend Positive Actions

A big part of preventing bad behavior is to reinforce good behavior when we see it. 

Whether kids are still early in their childhood development or older teenagers leaving the nest, encouraging their positive actions makes a deep, lasting impact.

When a toddler uses his words to explain his frustration with his older sister (rather than smack her, like last time), you can hug him and say, “What a great job expressing your feelings! It makes sense why you’re frustrated.”

Even if it seems sophisticated for a toddler, he’ll understand that what he did (and chose not to do) was correct. 

If your teenager decides to study the night before a big exam–instead of going to a high school party–you can encourage her wise choice. “I know you wish you could be at the party tonight, but you should be proud that you took this extra time to learn the material.”

Keep Your Encouragement Effective by Avoiding This Mistake

While Encouragement can be a super powerful strategy for strengthening your kids’ internal drive toward positive behaviors, there’s one common mistake parents make that renders the tool nearly useless. It’s called piggybacking, and it’s a common and easy trap to fall into. 

To your kids, a piggybacking statement feels more or less like an “I told you so.” 

Let’s say your daughter has some new friends you don’t approve of. They don’t seem very caring–they even seem prone to causing trouble. You decide to warn her, gently, that they may not be the best choice in friends. Naturally, she doesn’t listen. 

One day, months later, she comes home crying–she and her new friends had a falling out. Her new crew thought it would be funny to shoplift, and your daughter bravely spoke out against it. 

You’re very proud and tell her she made the right decision by speaking out against their actions. You know that must have been hard to do. 

You’ve just successfully encouraged her. However, you can’t help but add one more thing… 

“You know, I did tell you to be wary of those girls. I wish you had listened to me.”  

What would have left your daughter feeling positive and empowered has now left her undermined.

As tempting as it was to remind her that you DO know what you’re talking about every once in a while, it weakened the Encouragement you just offered like a small jab to the gut. 

Although she had to learn the hard way, your daughter did come to the right conclusion. Encouragement should focus on–and stop at–that fact alone.

Keep the Word “I” Out of Encouragement

One final watch-out as you begin to use Encouragement. While we do have the power to wield Encouragement, the tool isn’t about us. 

Just as Encouragement focuses on the deed and not the doer, Encouragement should only relate to our children. It should not be about us or our feelings.

Seemingly harmless phrases like, “I love how you play the piano with such emotion” or, “It makes me feel proud when you put in so much effort” take the intended focus away from Encouragement. 

It’s not about what makes us proud or what we enjoy. It’s about helping our children feel growth and satisfaction. 

Some example phrases could be:

“You must feel so proud of your progress!”

“You play the piano in such an expressive way!”

“Wasn’t it fun using your imagination–instead of instructions–to build that LEGO set?”

Otherwise, like that sweet 7-year-old, they’ll never stop asking if we like their unicorns. 

Final Thoughts

When it comes to giving our kids a pat on the back, a quick “good job” or “you’re a rockstar” just doesn’t cut it.

Unlike superfluous praise, Encouragement goes much deeper. It motivates a child internally to demonstrate positive behavior and to value things like hard work, improvement, teamwork, and perseverance.

Let’s help our children discover their limitless potential for their own benefit–not ours.

Positive Parenting can’t be defined by just one word or one action. It’s a series of parenting choices we make every day in our parenting lives.

Being familiar with Encouraging Words and Phrases–and employing them regularly–is one of the best ways to keep Positive Parenting on the right track! 

5 Tips for Talking to Your Kids About Divorce

teen girl crying on couch with parents fightingteen girl crying on couch with parents fighting

teen girl crying on couch with parents fighting

We live in a world where the answers to almost all of our questions lie no further than the tips of our fingers.

How amazing is that?

By simply picking up our smartphone or sitting down at a computer, we can ask just about any question and instantly receive an answer. And few people have more to gain from instant access to information than us as parents.

We ask things like, “How do I sleep train my baby? Should my child go to public school or private? How much screen time should my kids be getting?”

And why wouldn’t we? When caring for lives other than our own, we do our research! We take classes (like our FREE WEBINAR!), read books, and yes, search the internet. Because when it comes to raising our kids, we want to be well informed.

Some parents look for advice on how to deal with toddler tantrums while others may be curious how they can help their children study better.

But there are a select few who may find their Google searches going a bit further and digging a little deeper into new territory that is, quite frankly, rather uncomfortable. 

It’s a place no one wants to go, and certainly doesn’t plan to, but a reality nonetheless. I’m talking about those parents contemplating divorce. Of course, with children involved they are now stuck wondering, “How are we going to break the news to our kids?”

If you and your spouse are considering divorce, I can assume that your children are your number one priority. Maybe you’re curious how this will affect them and wondering what life looks like parenting separately?

While divorce is never an easy topic for any couple to discuss, it’s important to remember that children thrive on certainty, knowing where they stand with their family, and the assurance that they are safe and well cared for. 

In order to break the news as gently, yet effectively as possible, follow these 5 tips when the time comes to talk with your kids about divorce.

Tip #1: Prepare in Advance

Divorce is nothing to take lightly. And when it comes to telling your kids the news? You MUST do the prep work! It’s absolutely essential that both you and your soon-to-be ex are on the same page before you even think about telling your kids.

So what can you do? Come up with a game plan! 

First of all, know your ultimate priority: To ensure your children know they are still loved and will continue to be cared for. The relationship between you and your spouse is ending, NOT the relationship each of you have with your kids.

Then, anticipate what questions they may ask and be prepared to answer them. Remember, you may see the big picture and can understand why divorce is the best option, but your children may have a more difficult time understanding.

They can only see what’s in front of them, and if you aren’t on solid ground, they’ll feel it! They need to know that they’ll be taken care of and it’s your responsibility as their parents to make sure they have that assurance.

Finally, decide not only when you are going to tell them about the divorce but how you are going to bring it up. Your teen is going to take the news differently than your toddler, so it’s important to understand how to talk to them based on their age.

Preschool (Ages 2-5)

It’s easy to assume that children this young will be least affected by the news of divorce. After all, will they even remember it?

But preschool-aged children rely on their parents for absolutely everything–food, shelter, love, and stability!

Not only will the news of divorce rock them in a significant way, they’re also at an incredibly self-focused age where they may perceive the separation to be their fault. It’s easy for them to make the leap from mom left dad to mom left me. 

You’ll want to remind them of their own significance and offer plenty of reassurance. They will always be loved and cared for–by both of their parents. 

Living apart means you may also want to support a two-home concept. Nix the idea of “our house” and “dad’s house”. Your child will benefit most by seeing both houses as home because that’s exactly what they are–his home! 

Finally, be prepared to answer a lot of questions over time. Divorce is a really hard concept for little minds to grasp, so it’s important to be patient and help them understand in their own time and way.

Younger Kids (Ages 5-9)

By this age your children may be more in tune with processing bigger emotions, but the concept of divorce can still be hard for them to fully understand.

Again, they may fall into the trap of blaming themselves for mom and dad separating. They may wonder, Did dad move out because I misbehaved? Did mom leave because she’s mad at me?

Be ready to discuss how the news makes them feel. Are they sad? Anxious? Angry?

You’ll need to talk them through what’s on their mind then come up with concrete ideas on how you can help them manage those feelings.

Older Kids (Ages 10 and up)

Older kids have the benefit of a greater understanding of divorce, but it can also feel as though they have the most to lose.

After all, they’ve spent an entire lifetime under one roof and now that’s all about to change.

They may also worry about the important relationships they’ve established. Not only how will their relationship with mom and dad change, but what about their friends, relatives, and teachers?

As much as you want the divorce to only be about you and your spouse, the reality of the situation is many people may feel the ripple effect. 

Because of their age, you can get more specific. Give them a clear explanation of what it means to divorce and talk openly about how custody works.

Of course, with greater detail may come more in-depth questions. Be ready to give them truthful answers.

As always, never forget to mention that their relationship with you will not change. No matter how old they are, it doesn’t hurt to remind them that divorce is an adult concept–parents don’t divorce their kids.

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Tip #2: Break the News Together (And to Everyone!)

When kids are involved, divorce is a family matter. Plain and simple. And when it comes to breaking the news that mom and dad are splitting up, you need to do it together–with everyone–if possible!

Now, I know it may be tempting to pull your oldest aside and give him the news before his younger siblings–after all, he’s so mature for his age! But I promise you this will only do more harm than good. You’d just be giving him a heavy burden he has no business bearing. 

When the time comes, gather everyone together and tell them at the same time. Make sure you pick a time of day that isn’t rushed.

The last thing you want to do is drop this bomb on your kids and then rush them off to soccer practice. They’ll need plenty of time to digest the information, ask questions, and grieve the sudden loss of the family as they’ve always known it.

Then, start gently. 

You may try, “Before we tell you our news, we want to remind you how much we love and care for you. We are, and always will be, a family. It will just look a little different.”

Lay out what life for them will start to look like. Will they spend weekends with dad and weekdays with mom? Will mom be moving into a new house while dad stays in this one?

Of course, try not to overload them with too much information. Give them the high-level details they need to know and then allow them to ask questions about the rest later–on their own time and in their own way. 

Remember, this is going to be a profoundly significant moment in your children’s lives. Not only will having the whole family together for support be instrumental in how they take the news, but this will also be the first of many instances over the years to come that the two of you should come together for the sake of your children.

Remember, just because you aren’t the best as romantic partners, doesn’t mean you cannot still be wonderful parents…together! 

Pro Tip: Parenting apart doesn’t have to be a hassle! Positive Parenting Solutions Members can check out my Battle-Tested Blueprint: Divorce & Parenting Apart for more surefire tips and tricks on how to be the best co-parent you can be.

Tip #3: Put Your Hurts Aside

As is often the case with divorce, emotional hurt may be running deep. 

Perhaps you’re dealing with the aftermath of an affair or a sudden loss of trust. Whatever the case may be, when such extreme pain exists between you and your spouse, it can be hard to look at them, let alone speak to them. Still, now is not the time to play the blame game–especially in front of the kids.

When it comes to breaking the news about your divorce, your kids don’t just want you to be mature, they need you to. 

Here are a few things you definitely DON’T want to do:

DON’T use this time to pick a fight. You’ll want to be as calm and level headed as possible when you let them know. They’re going to be hurt, angry, and scared. Seeing their parents fight would only add to the problem.

Pro Tip: I understand that for many couples going through the process of divorce, being civil toward one another can feel like an unthinkable task. Should you find it impossible to keep the peace in person, you may consider trying a free app–such as coParenter or Truece–designed to help structure communication for co-parents. 

DON’T pit your children against the other parent. There are, arguably, no two people in the entire world your child loves more than you and your spouse. While your feelings for your soon-to-be ex may be down in the gutter, your child’s aren’t.

And that’s the way it should stay, because there’s nothing more unfair to a child who is just learning that his parents are about to divorce than being forced to choose between the two. 

christina mcghee quote

And finally, DON’T blame the other parent for your marriage coming to an end. 

If you’re going through a particularly troublesome separation, I understand that this can seem nearly impossible. You’re hurt, angry, and quite frankly, you do blame them for the marriage coming to an end! But this is not the time to bring it up. 

Right now, who’s at fault for the demise of the marriage is of absolutely no importance. What is important? Your children. 

Leave the blame behind.

Tip #4: Remind Them of the Constants

When it comes to divorce, the only certainty is uncertainty–especially for kids.

They may be wondering, “Will I live with mom or dad? What school will I go to? Did I cause this?”

In the midst of all the wonder and chaos, don’t forget to remind them of the constants–the things that won’t be changing. 

Again, divorce doesn’t apply to children. Reassure them of everything that will stay the same. Will mom still be there to tuck them in at night? Will dad still make all of the baseball games? Lay those certainties out and really emphasize their importance to you.

You may say, “We understand that this can be a scary time, but we promise that our love for you is constant. Nothing you say or do can change that.”

Give them your word…then stick to it.

Tip #5: Promise to Walk the Walk (Then Do It!)

So you’ve broken the news and made the ultimate promise–to love your kids the same as before, guaranteeing you’re still their parent, now and forever. But what happens after the talk is over? 

Keep that promise! Now’s the time you walk the walk, making a point to actively show your kids you meant every single word. 

Want to ensure they continue to feel loved and cared for? Then say I love you and say it often. You can never remind them enough. Give them a hug, a high-five, a pat on the back. Spend quality time together, even though you may have less of it.

Now that your time with them is divided, you’ll want to make the most of every minute you have with them. What a wonderful chance to engage in regular Mind, Body, and Soul Time each day you are together (you can even double up if you want!). 

Helpful Hint: Your time with your kids is important, but don’t be a strict time monger! Try to be flexible with your ex when it comes to sharing time with the kids. Positive Parenting Solutions Members, be sure to check out Christina McGhee’s helpful tips on how to divide time fairly in the Battle-Tested Blueprint: Divorce & Parenting Apart.

Want to know another great way to show you care? Take your house and make it a home

The walls may change but your routines can stay the same. Eat dinner as a family, host family game nights, decorate the kids’ rooms–whatever you did before the divorce, keep it up.

You may be down a parent, but your kids will appreciate the effort you take to ensure their comfort while staying with you.

Final Thoughts

Oh sweet friend, from the bottom of my heart, let me just say how sorry I am that you are having to face such a difficult task.

Breaking any bad news to our children is difficult enough, but the news of mom and dad splitting up is especially hard–for both them and you! 

As always, we are here to support you on your parenting journey–single or together–so please don’t hesitate to reach out if we can help!

Resources for Talking to Kids About Race & Racism

White hands and black hands hold each otherWhite hands and black hands hold each otherWhite hands and black hands hold each other

Here at Positive Parenting Solutions, it has always been our mission to help families thrive and help parents achieve “parenting peace.”

Our business is built on education — we know that when parents are equipped with effective tools, they can become the parents they always knew they could be, and our world becomes a better place.

Now more than ever, we have an opportunity and an obligation to further our education on the difficult topics of race and racism–for the sake of our kids, ourselves, and our world.

Below is a list of resources that may help you and your family — from how to talk to kids about racism and the disturbing images they may have seen — to books parents can read to educate themselves — to book recommendations for kids.

Resources For Talking to Your Kids:

Books For Parents to Read:

Books For Kids:

Please know we are here for you. We continue to wish you peace — peace in your home, your community, and the world.

Does Paying Kids for Good Grades Pay Off?

young asian girl counting money at a computer deskyoung asian girl counting money at a computer desk

young asian girl counting money at a computer desk

Education is a gateway to success. It’s why parents in New York hire consultants for preschool. It’s why young kids in China are writing resumes. And it’s why American high school students fret over competitive college admissions. 

Parents know that the better the education, the greater their child’s success may be. They also know that numerous achievements, like a high GPA, can help secure that success. Some colleges even value a high GPA above all other application components. 

The importance of good grades can put a lot of pressure on students and their parents. Many families turn to monetary incentives like paying their kids to make those grades. (Or, like in recent news, there are the notorious and wealthy few willing to bribe administrators for admissions.) 

Offering a child fifty dollars in exchange for an excellent report card seems like a small price to pay for a child’s entire future.

But it’s not that simple. Paying for grades isn’t just a harmless means to an end that puts a little fun money in our kids’ pockets. 

Paying for grades actually robs kids of much greater wealth. It doesn’t matter whether your child is headed for preschool, community college, or the Ivy League: True, long-lasting success requires skills that money can’t buy.

Our Ultimate Guide to Motivating Your Kids takes money out of motivation with effective, long-term strategies. Start using them today!

Here are 6 reasons why paying for grades isn’t the best way to set our kids up for life-long success:

1. Payment Breeds Entitlement

You may be thinking that paying for grades, overall, can’t be that bad. If it gets your kids into college, where is the real harm? Maybe YOU were paid for grades and it worked well for you. Now, you want to pay it forward and invest in your children’s careers with a small down payment. Plus, young adults get paid for their work when they finally land jobs–so what’s the difference?

Before we continue, let me ask…Do you pay your kids to clean their rooms? To take out the trash? To take time out of playing to sit on the potty? 

Paying our kids for something that is a necessary part of life–including studying–is a dangerous game.

paying for grades robs children of greater wealth

Are you paid for tidying up the house? Making dinner for the family? Keeping the maintenance up on your car? Organizing the chauffeur schedule to get all the kids to their practices on time?

The truth is, certain things need to be done without compensation. Anything else is a path towards entitlement

The newest generations of young adults–Millennials and Gen Z-ers–are getting a bad rap. They have great skills, but some expect a lot in return. In many ways, this is good–like the fact that they’re forcing companies to create more balanced work-life environments. But in other ways, expectations can lean too much towards entitlement.

Studying may seem a lot like holding an actual job, complete with time-management and hard work. But the more our kids can do necessary work without applause–or a small paycheck–the more conditioned they’ll be for future jobs. They’ll exemplify a solid work ethic by caring about their efforts and self-improvement–and this will make them all the more successful.  

Their transition to the rest of the “real world” will also be less of a wake-up call. Just like us, our kids will never get paid for doing their taxes, cleaning the bathrooms, and raising their children (to name a few minor things).

2. Rewards Decrease Motivation

Some parents might argue that the last time their 6-year-old ate her asparagus, it was only because of the dessert she was promised. Or that their preteen–who hates his new braces–only smiled for the expensive family photoshoot because he was bribed with a new video game.

Yes, rewards DO motivate to some degree in the short-term–but this motivation isn’t sustainable. Kids will eventually want us to up the ante, which leads to increased bargaining and appeasement. One M&M will turn into 5. Ten dollars per ‘A’ will turn into twenty. 

Their motivation for a quick-fix is short-term and external rather than long-term and internal

Also, when we offer rewards, it sends our kids the message that we don’t have confidence they can achieve good grades without added incentive.

This is our cue for providing Encouragement. 

Encouragement is helping our kids feel empowered by their choices, like focusing on the effort they put into a grade. It can start small at first, like the extra fifteen minutes they spent studying the night before that helped bring their ‘D’ test score up to a ‘B’. 

“Your work earned you that ‘B’! You should feel really proud of the extra effort you put in!

This encouragement helps connect effort to results and gives kids a hit of confidence and power. 

Doling out encouragement isn’t the same as sugary compliments and unhelpful praise, like “you’re just so smart!” or “you’re so good at everything!” It may seem beneficial, but praise like this is just another reward in disguise.

Shallow praise makes kids feel good in the moment, but it also tells them they don’t need to try any harder because they’re already “on top.” Encouragement, on the other hand, focuses less on perfection and more on improvement. It also gives kids the confidence to move forward towards their next goals. 

Encouragement focuses on improvement quote

Pro Tip: For our Parenting Success System Members, please check out (or review) our Battle-Tested Blueprint, Say NO to Rewards and Praise and learn how to shift your language to empower your children.

3. Paying For Grades Deflects From Good Habits

Just like connecting good grades to effort, helping kids establish good study habits is a major advantage to their futures. 

Instead of promising your teen extra allowance for a successful semester, you can help him focus on developing a homework plan. This might include proper time management, the removal of distractions, and the use of a When-Then Routine.

When-Then Routines helps kids complete the less fun things before the more enjoyable parts of their day. 

You can say, “Emily, when you’ve finished studying for your test, then you can watch TV.” Or, When you’ve finished your project, then you can hang out with your friends.” The then isn’t a special privilege but rather a regularly enjoyed activity. Plus, if the When-Then becomes a routine standard, kids are even more likely to cooperate. 

Get ultimate guide to motivating kids

Effective studying is invaluable because it speeds up and simplifies the learning process. It shifts the focus from the grades themselves to the practice of studying. In this way, the letters on the report card aren’t the motivator. The routine and hard work put in each day (with a little dose of encouragement from you) are all your child needs to feel successful. 

On the other hand, the promise of money isn’t guaranteed to teach these habits–nor does earning an ‘A’ without a good amount of self-discipline. In fact, paying for grades can encourage kids to cut corners and cheat the system. 

Pro Tip: For Parenting Success System Members, review our Battle-Tested Blueprint, The 3 R’s of School Success. 

4. Rewards Foster Laziness, Lying, and Cheating

Often, our dear kids seem nothing but lazy. But there’s often a lot more to this than meets the eye. 

Most kids are bogged down with extracurricular activities and are in major need of extra sleep these days.

Many also fail to see the value of studying.

“Laziness may often be the result of there being too much of a disconnect between what a person is asked to do and why that task is important.” – Daniel Marsten, Ph.D., Psychology Today

Unless we help kids understand that studying is beneficial for more than just good grades, (like the development of life-long skills and the absorption of valuable and interesting information) they may be inclined to take short cuts. And promising fifty dollars for every ‘A’ (or whatever the current going rate is) further increases this short line approach. 

Because kids still want that money to fund their Spotify premium account and to purchase the latest and greatest ripped jeans.

Short cuts might include lying about a report card or exaggerating a ‘C’ on a history exam. Kids may even go so far as to cheat. This could be asking a friend to write an English paper for them or getting the answers to the chemistry test from a student who took it last year. 

Dangling rewards for good grades can lead kids towards unwise decisions. While all children need to make mistakes–like learning that lying or cheating never ends well–they can learn in less harmful ways.

5. We Should Avoid the Avoidance of Failure 

I get it–good grades are important. We don’t want to see our kids fail and we certainly don’t want to see that failure–in the form of ‘F’s, ‘D’s, and ‘C’s–threaten their future. 

Paying our kids for good grades may help them secure these grades, but allowing them to fail without added incentive is an even greater benefit. 

In a competitive world, kids aren’t always comfortable making mistakes. Or losing. Or even getting second place. But learning to embrace failure, learn from it, and pick back up again is an imperative skill. It’s a situation kids will find themselves in again and again in life, and letting them practice their resilience before they’re off on their own gives them an advantage. 

Childhood is the perfect time to let kids fail, because the older they get, the more will be at stake. A child with a safety net throughout childhood will fall much farther and harder as an adult than a child that’s allowed to fail. 

Kids need to know that if they don’t do their work, they’ll fail. They also need to know failure isn’t the end of the world. Finally, they need to realize that the real way to combat failure is to adapt and try again. 

Learning to recover from failure can shift a child’s mindset from “Working hard for a good grade isn’t worth the risk of getting a bad one” to “If I don’t do well, it’s okay. I’ll work even harder next time.”

6. We Want to Focus on the Journey–Not the Destination 

We all know the saying. You know, the one that reminds us to enjoy the process? To seize the day? It’s the advice that if we focus only on our end-goals, we overlook all the other special moments along the way. 

It’s just that it can be hard to hear “enjoy the journey” when the process is studying.

The thing is, though–it’s actually true. 

If kids respect, or dare I say, enjoy studying, they’ll be more willing to do it without a payoff.

We can help by trying to make learning interesting. Maybe it’s talking about the mind-bending theories of quantum physics (like the idea that one particle can be in two places at a time?! Hello, multiverse!) with otherwise boring physics homework. It could be going to see a funny, modern take on a Shakespearean play. Or, it could be teaching fractions while measuring the ingredients for homemade cookies.

Kids can still celebrate getting a good final grade, but we want them to feel inspired by the smaller, daily things they learn and experience along the way. 

Final Thoughts

It’s true that money can buy a lot. Having money equates to many advantages, and to a certain extent, we can’t live without it. We also need our kids to be financially independent one day. Good education and good jobs help make that happen. 

But let me ask you this: is focusing on a financial profit the message we want to send our kids? 

Instead, let’s teach our children that good grades are more than a means to an end and that studying can be both interesting and empowering. Let’s instill the fact that effective studying produces skills like hard work, determination, confidence, and a great set of habits–all of which enable and increase long-term success. 

As long as we provide an atmosphere of encouragement, and never bribery, our kids will be fortified by skills and motivations that are truly sustainable. 

And until we receive that first, jaw-dropping college tuition bill–it won’t cost us a single penny. 

Want more detailed tips and tricks? Check out Amy’s Ultimate Guide to Motivating Your Kids. You’ll learn how your language affects your child’s motivation and what steps YOU can take to increase their cooperation. 

“We’re Moving?!” 7 Tips to Help Kids Thrive During A Move

Little Girl Holding a Box with parents holding boxes in backgroundLittle Girl Holding a Box with parents holding boxes in background

Little Girl Holding a Box with parents holding boxes in background

Houses are where memories are made. Within their walls, children learn to smile, laugh, and love. The floor supports their bare feet, the closets beckon games of hide-and-seek, and the garage provides the acoustics for their fledgling teen band.

Houses are homes.

Some of us spend our entire childhood in one home, letting our roots grow strong and wide. 

Others, however, have to relocate.

It could be a parent’s new job in a different state or a divorce forcing new living arrangements. Maybe it’s a foreclosure or a terminated lease. No matter the reason, relocation can be painful. It’s uprooting from a place of comfort–a shrine of memories–and rerooting in a new place strange and unfamiliar. 

And then there are the boxes. So. Many. Boxes. 

It’s so easy for kids and parents alike to get overwhelmed by the stress of it all. 

So how can we assist them with the transition? How do we convince them that when we move, we aren’t just losing a home and all that goes with it–but gaining a new one?

The following strategies can help ease the stress–and the fears–a relocation may be causing your family. 

1. Keep Things Routine (When You Can)

The turmoil of moving means items are in constant disarray and a huge checklist of to-do items hangs constantly over our heads. It means tears will sneak up at the smallest triggers and emotional goodbyes will engage us at every turn.

Luckily, the chaos of moving can be balanced by keeping what can be controlled routine.

Maybe it’s a consistent bedtime routine for our 3-year-old–with the same stories, prayers, and snuggles–despite sleeping on an air mattress in an empty new house. Maybe it’s keeping our high school student’s homework and extracurricular activities consistent in his last week at his current school.

For routines that can’t be maintained during a move, like family dinners around the dinner table, evening bath time in a shower-only hotel, or weekly playdates with neighbors, we can do our best to quickly reinvent similar routines–or establish new ones–once re-settled. 

Moving is generally a long process. It’s full of daily, unrelenting change for weeks–even months–at a time. Routine, at its best and most basic, gives kids something comfortable and reliable when all else is different.

2. Create A Decision-Rich Environment 

When torn from their home, school, and friends, kids may view their lives as spinning completely out of control. In truth, they generally don’t have any control over where and why they are moving. Fortunately, we can combat this by allowing kids to call some of the shots.

Creating a Decision-Rich Environment–just one of the 36 tools in my 7-Step Parenting Success System® online training program–gives kids this opportunity. It allows them to make choices that empower them and offers a portion of the control they crave.

Children may feel empowered by choosing their room in the new house, picking-out new sheets and decorations, and determining the new school activities they’d like to be a part of. They can be involved in meal planning–even if some of those meals are take-out.

Although they probably can’t hand-pick which neighborhood they’ll be living in or which school they’ll be attending, we can still involve them in the process of house-hunting, neighborhood exploration, and school tours before deciding where to live. Their opinion may or may not determine the final choice, but either way they will know that it is valued.

Moving is also a time to go through toys, clothes, and household goods and decide what to keep, give, and throw away. Involving kids in this process allows them to determine what they are willing to part with and what they can’t live without. In fact, purging items–Marie Kondo-style–can be as therapeutic for kids as it is for adults. 

By choosing to say goodbye to her softball trophies, your teenage daughter may reach some closure over having to leave her beloved team.

By throwing away some of his less refined artwork, an 8-year-old may be ready to say goodbye to his favorite art teacher.

Even a preschooler can decide what toys she’d like to throw out or give away. Not only is this process empowering–because we’re trusting our kids to make their own choices–but it can offer closure and leave them grateful for what they’ve had.

If we give children permission to decide what to keep, however, they may choose to hoard everything. It could be they aren’t yet willing to part with these sentimental items–which is, ultimately, their decision. In this case, we can go through their things after the move when things feel less emotional. 

After all, we can only handle so much change at one time. 

3. Talk it Out/Communicate Openly

Moving is consistently considered one of the most stressful things a person can do. Because of this, encouraging open communication is crucial. 

If our kids want to express their concerns, we need to listen. If they don’t want to share, we can let them know we’re always available if–and when–they’re ready to talk. 

Verbalizing issues, or even just admitting and respecting that they are sad (like Riley does after moving to San Francisco in Disney/Pixar’s poignant movie Inside Out) is one of the best ways kids process big emotions. 

If children are older and don’t love communicating, we can encourage them to talk openly with their friends or even a counselor. They can even keep a daily, private journal. It’s just important they find a healthy outlet so their feelings aren’t pent-up. 

We can also promote our kids’ communication by opening up ourselves. If we can admit our own difficulties with a move, kids will likely feel less alone and discouraged by overpowering emotions. 

helping kids with relocation quote

We also need to be upfront by sharing the news and details about a move with our kids immediately. Hiding or withholding information that they eventually discover might make them feel like relocating is worse than it is–or something to fear. Also, sharing the news immediately gives kids more time to come to grips with the transition. They need–and deserve–as much time as we do to process their emotions.

4. Be Patient and Empathize

Imagine that your 12-year-old was struggling all last year with the transition from elementary to middle school. She was fraught with emotions from puberty and the pressure of making friends. 

You’re beyond relieved when you finally see her find a group of kids that she likes and cliques with. 

Then one afternoon–after your spouse secures a long-sought-after job–you’re forced to break the news to her; the family has to move–by next month–to the other side of the country.

The news might be unbelievable, devastating. You may hear phrases like “my life is over” and “how could you do this to me?”

It’s easy to feel hurt and angry when kids unleash backlash over a relocation–especially when it’s outside of our own control. But rather than fighting fire with fire, we can use patience and empathy to diffuse the battle. This might even help dispel any resentment our kids are harboring towards us.

We can say things like, “I know how scary this must be for you. Moving is incredibly hard. I know you’ll miss your friends.” 

Or, “You have a right to feel sad and frustrated.”

Teens and tweens might struggle much more with a move than their younger counterparts. For older kids, friends and a sense of communal belonging outside of the family are imperative. But, moving at any age can even leave short and long-term impacts when kids don’t feel supported.

Many military dependents, for example, are forced to move a handful or more times throughout their upbringing. The PCS (Permanent Change of Station) process may become familiar to them, but it rarely becomes less challenging. The difficulty of maintaining long-distance friendships, feeling a sense of belonging, and adjusting to new school academics can be relentless.

Remembering the difficulties our children face during relocation puts ourselves in their shoes and shows the compassion they require.

Is relocation in your near future?
Breaking the news to your kids can be like dropping a bomb.

One of the ways we can ensure the bomb doesn’t cause massive destruction is by consistently building up our children in meaningful ways.

We recommend parents use phrases of ENCOURAGEMENT (not praise) to empower children and help them become more resilient. Use this List of Encouraging Words to build your child’s self-esteem in meaningful ways and soften the blow. 

5. Stay Positive

Adults aren’t immune to the stressors of moving, either. Like our kids, the move may not be something we want or voluntarily chose.

Staying positive begins by maintaining control over our own anxiety. This isn’t denial or a lack of open communication–we still need to admit to our kids the ways in which we might be struggling. However, it IS controlling dramatic outbursts and giving the complicated emotions we’re feeling a positive spin.

As undeniably tough as moving can be, beneficial things result from relocation–the confidence of knowing we can adapt, the gift of having a wide network of friends in more than one place, and growing stronger emotionally. And the list goes on.

We can focus our children on these positive aspects whenever possible. While not discounting their anxiety and grief about the move, it may be helpful to say things like:

“It may take time, but moving will give you the chance to make even more friends.”

“I know you’re sad about leaving your ballet class, but it looks like the dance academy near our new house is accepting new students!”

“Where we’re moving has lots of beaches! I can see you right now playing volleyball in the sand.” Or, “We’re moving to a place with lots of snow…you can finally learn to snowboard!” 

Spreading positivity doesn’t mean our kids will suddenly alter their demeanor or accept the changes they’re facing. However, setting an example of optimism and gratitude can be contagious and help alleviate their concerns.

6. Encourage the Use of Technology to Stay in Touch with Friends

These days, most of us are fighting against our kids’ excessive use of technology and social media. We know it has its negative aspects. But when used to keep in touch with long-distance friends, social media is at its best.

We can remind our kids that they’re actually lucky (without sounding too patronizing, of course!). They live in a world where saying goodbye isn’t forever thanks to constant technological contact. 

Whether it’s FaceTime, Marco Polo, or Instagram, they can keep up to date with each other’s daily lives simply, effectively, and long-term. If their friendships are strong enough, distance won’t diminish them.

7. Don’t Underestimate Their Resiliency

Kids may seem fragile, like when asking innocent questions or overemphasizing a tiny “booboo.” They can appear unhinged when they succumb to epic tantrums and teenage mood swings.

Regardless of all the changes and the frustrations they show, kids are also strong. We need to know that a relocation will not destroy them. As long as proper support is in place, we can use a move to teach resilience and enrich their lives. 

Final Thoughts

Whether moving off to college or weathering the fifth elementary school in 5 years, the best we can offer our children is boundless support. 

Of the many silver linings, relocation reminds us to live in the moment–wherever that may find us. The process may be difficult, but it is never without value. Learning to find happiness within ourselves, despite changing surroundings, might be the most beneficial skill any child can learn.

And, who knows…

One day, we might find ourselves in our old town, driving through our old neighborhood. Curiosity takes over–is the house still there? Eventually, we see the lights of an old home that has long since found new owners. Bittersweet feelings may remind us that nothing lasts forever–but we are partially mistaken. 

Each roof we’ve lived under will always be a part of us. No house is ever truly lost.

And exciting new memories in our new homes await us.

Are you at a loss with a sad, mad, or frustrated kid? The good news is, Positive Parenting is all about encouragement. In fact, our List of Encouraging Words can help you and your child focus less on setbacks and more on their brilliant potential.