Resources for Talking to Kids About Race & Racism

White hands and black hands hold each other

Here at Positive Parenting Solutions, it has always been our mission to help families thrive and help parents achieve “parenting peace.”

Our business is built on education — we know that when parents are equipped with effective tools, they can become the parents they always knew they could be, and our world becomes a better place.

Now more than ever, we have an opportunity and an obligation to further our education on the difficult topics of race and racism–for the sake of our kids, ourselves, and our world.

Below is a list of resources that may help you and your family — from how to talk to kids about racism and the disturbing images they may have seen — to books parents can read to educate themselves — to book recommendations for kids.

Resources For Talking to Your Kids:

Books For Parents to Read:

Books For Kids:

Please know we are here for you. We continue to wish you peace — peace in your home, your community, and the world.

What You Should Do Next:

1. Get Quick Actionable TIPS delivered to your inbox

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2. Unlock the secrets to easier parenting in my FREE CLASS

Register for my free class called How to Get Kids to Listen, Without Nagging, Yelling or Losing Control. Classes run several times per week to accommodate your busy schedule.

3. Transform your family with the 7-Step Parenting Success System® Course

Join the hundreds of thousands of parents who have transformed their families with the 7-Step Parenting Success System® Course. Learn the tools you need to raise happy, respectful, responsible kids and create the family life you always dreamed of having.

About the Author

Amy McCready
Nationally recognized parenting expert Amy McCready is the Founder of Positive Parenting Solutions® and the best-selling author of The “Me, Me, Me” Epidemic - A Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Capable, Grateful Kids in an Over-Entitled World and If I Have to Tell You One More Time…The Revolutionary Program That Gets Your Kids to Listen Without Nagging, Reminding or Yelling. As a “recovering yeller” and a Certified Positive Discipline Instructor, Amy is a champion of positive parenting techniques for happier families and well-behaved kids. Amy is a TODAY Show contributor and has been featured on The Doctors, CBS This Morning, CNN, Fox & Friends, MSNBC, Rachael Ray, Steve Harvey & others. In her most important role, she is the proud mom of two amazing young men.