6 Tips for Raising Independent Children

It starts when your son rides his balance bike around the block–alone. A few years later, he’s off to his first sleepover.  It continues when your teenage daughter goes out on her first date. Before you know it, you’re waving goodbye as she drives off to college. The pattern is familiar for all parents, and it never gets any easier.  Loving our children means letting them go.  We don’t always remember this in the thick of things when our children are so dependent on us.  I mean, it’s hard to imagine that little toddler in fire truck pajamas riding his bike to school or leading his cub scouts to their campsite. It’s just as difficult to grasp that your daughter, once in a high chair flinging pasta around the kitchen, is now on that first dinner date.  But 10-20 years from now–if all goes according to plan–we’ll have raised our children to be independent.  But what’s the best way to impart independence? Which tools can we utilize now to help our kids one day succeed outside our domain?  At Positive Parenting Solutions, we are all about tools. My online course has over 36 of them that can help in almost … Continue reading 6 Tips for Raising Independent Children