5 Ways to Show Respect for Your Child (And Gain Their Respect in Return)

I see it all the time – parents lamenting the fact that their children are “disrespectful” or “don’t respect my rules” or “show no respect to their elders.” I totally get how frustrating that is. All parents want their kids to be kind, polite, and respectful to everyone they interact with. Obviously, it’s important children know how to act in a civilized society – but let’s be honest, we also feel incredibly guilty or embarrassed when OUR kids are disrespectful. We can just feel the judgment of other parents when our son or daughter snaps back at the cashier at Target. (Is your parenting based on frustration, fear, and perceived judgment? You might as well be banging your head against a proverbial parenting wall. Positive parenting, however, is infinitely effective–and our FREE online webinar has the starter tools!) So the big question remains, in a world where common courtesies come and go, how can we teach our kids to be respectful?!  Both respectful to us and to other kids and adults? The answer is that WE have to model the respect we hope to see from our kids. The truth is, you may feel like you’re already doing that and … Continue reading 5 Ways to Show Respect for Your Child (And Gain Their Respect in Return)